Let the hunt begin! Glory Hunters have been released!
Today marks the end of one of the most important journeys of my professional life. It has been a journey with many lows but also incredible highs. A journey that turned out to be deeply personal, with many symbols and themes within the game reflecting my own experiences and how I overcame challenges, hunting my own glory little by little. This journey leads to many more challenges ahead, like making the game available on other platforms, creating more content for the game's lore if it’s well received, and overall, getting the game out there for many more to enjoy.
This game is about the various ways to achieve glory, and how you have the freedom to pursue it not only within the game but also in life. It is about realizing that glory means different things to different people. Glory Hunters is about understanding that glory cannot be achieved alone, but with the help, love, and support of others. Even with help, glory is something really hard to achieve.
I want to take a moment to share that this game would never have been created without the support and love of everyone involved in the project. From all the people who showed interest in the project and eagerly awaited its release to play or review it. From all the Kickstarter backers who never lost faith, from Rodrigo who stayed committed even when the storm hit, from BitmapSoft who patiently waited for me to finish the game, giving me full liberty to design the box art, manuals, and game content. From my friends who always cheered me on and believed I could do it. From my family, who, even when they didn’t fully understand what I was doing, never left me alone and always showed interest in the project. My wife and kids, who endured my sadness, anger, and frustration, and sacrificed economic stability for a time. They celebrated with me on those days of happiness when I achieved something in development.
This is a project I undertook without knowing how to program and with little experience in game development. I always knew it would be far from perfect because of these and many other factors that helped me grow, evolve, and learn as a developer. With this in mind, I wanted to pour all my love into it, take care of the smallest details I could fix and improve, and give all my passion to balance the inevitable flaws in design or programming.
This is a project I have no regrets about, and while the work can always be improved and in a way never ends, I am confident that this is a special game, with a bit of magic and originality honoring the games that accompanied me during my childhood.
I truly hope you enjoy it. Not just for entertainment, but to create fun moments. I hope you laugh, feel scared, challenged, and motivated during this journey. I hope it is a game that you can make your own, giving you memories of your personal journey and how you reached glory. To remember the first god you woke up, or that small place that felt like you were the only one to discover it at the time.
For everyone who joined the Hunter’s Guild from the start, thank you. And to all the new members: welcome. Let the hunt begin, and may glory find you in every single step you take.
For glory!
-César Arminio
Hoy marca el final de uno de los viajes más importantes de mi vida profesional. Ha sido un viaje con muchos altibajos, pero también con increíbles momentos altos. Un viaje que resultó ser muy personal, con muchos símbolos y temas dentro del juego que reflejaban mis propias experiencias y cómo superé los desafíos, cazando mi propia gloria poco a poco. Este viaje lleva a muchos más desafíos por delante, como hacer que el juego esté disponible en otras plataformas, crear más contenido para la historia del juego si es bien recibido y, en general, llevar el juego a muchas más personas para que lo disfruten.
Este juego trata sobre las diversas formas de alcanzar la gloria y cómo tienes la libertad de perseguirla no solo dentro del juego, sino también en la vida. Se trata de darse cuenta de que la gloria significa cosas diferentes para diferentes personas. Glory Hunters trata sobre entender que la gloria no se puede lograr solo, sino con la ayuda, el amor y el apoyo de los demás. Incluso con ayuda, la gloria es algo muy difícil de alcanzar.
Quiero tomar un momento para compartir que este juego nunca se habría creado sin el apoyo y el amor de todos los involucrados en el proyecto. Desde todas las personas que mostraron interés en el proyecto y esperaban con ansias su lanzamiento para jugarlo o reseñarlo. Desde todos los patrocinadores de Kickstarter que nunca perdieron la fe, desde Rodrigo que se mantuvo comprometido incluso cuando golpeó la tormenta, desde BitmapSoft que esperó pacientemente a que terminara el juego, dándome plena libertad para diseñar el arte de la caja, los manuales y el contenido del juego. Desde mis amigos que siempre me animaron y creyeron que podía hacerlo. Desde mi familia, que, aunque no entendían completamente lo que estaba haciendo, nunca me dejaron solo y siempre mostraron interés en el proyecto. Mi esposa e hijos, que soportaron mi tristeza, ira y frustración, y sacrificaron la estabilidad económica por un tiempo. Ellos celebraron conmigo en esos días de felicidad cuando lograba algo en el desarrollo.
Este es un proyecto que emprendí sin saber programar y con poca experiencia en desarrollo de juegos. Siempre supe que estaría lejos de ser perfecto debido a estos y muchos otros factores que me ayudaron a crecer, evolucionar y aprender como desarrollador. Con esto en mente, quería volcar todo mi amor en él, cuidar los más pequeños detalles que podía arreglar y mejorar, y poner toda mi pasión para equilibrar los inevitables defectos en diseño o programación.
Este es un proyecto del que no tengo arrepentimientos, y aunque el trabajo siempre se puede mejorar y de alguna manera nunca termina, estoy seguro de que este es un juego especial, con un poco de magia y originalidad que honra los juegos que me acompañaron durante mi infancia.
Realmente espero que lo disfrutes. No solo para entretenerte, sino para crear momentos divertidos. Espero que te rías, sientas miedo, te sientas desafiado y motivado durante este viaje. Espero que sea un juego que puedas hacer tuyo, dándote recuerdos de tu viaje personal y de cómo alcanzaste la gloria. Para recordar al primer dios que despertaste, o ese pequeño lugar que parecía que eras el único en descubrir en ese momento.
Para todos los que se unieron al Gremio de Cazadores desde el principio, gracias. Y para todos los nuevos miembros: bienvenidos. Que comience la caza y que la gloria te encuentre en cada paso que des.
¡Por la gloria!
-César Arminio
Get Glory Hunters
Glory Hunters
Action-Adventure RPG like no other! Ready for the hunt? Game Boy / Analogue pocket
Status | Released |
Author | 2think design studio |
Genre | Adventure, Role Playing |
Tags | 8-Bit, Action-Adventure, analogue-pocket, Game Boy, Game Boy ROM, Homebrew, Pixel Art, Retro, Top Down Adventure |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles |
More posts
- There is no secret cow level and Zelda secret.81 days ago
- Making Glory Hunters Part 1: Imagining the ExperienceSep 27, 2024
- First Glorious Seasonal Secret Event (Easter Egg)Aug 15, 2024
- Release Date: June 8th!May 09, 2024
- Gone Gold!Apr 20, 2024
- Save system, collaboration and some of the map showcase.May 09, 2023
- Development Sneak Peek and live stream!Feb 21, 2023
- Before Glory Hunters Part 3: The search for glory.Apr 18, 2022
- Kickstarter is live!Apr 10, 2022
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Ayyy, hell yeah and grats! Was rad to see a trailer for the game pop up on IGN too.
Thank you! I just found about that 10 minutes ago and couldn't believe it! Im so happy and have no words! All these news are coming so fast ha ha ha. I really hope people enjoy the game and have a fun time with it. Thats all. Thank you for the words and support. For glory!
My boxed version from Kickstarter arrived today also, looks daaaaamn nice.
So happy to know you liked it! I'm also glad that all rewards are starting to arrive!
Have had a few friends mention how nice the design is on the games box also, which stuck out to me the moment I opened the mailing box haha. Good stuff.
Went to look for a review to send one of 'em too who was intrigued by the game aaaand saw the Nintendolife review, 'grats for that too. Rad seein' an indie GB game on there.
Thank you so much! I was going for a minimal design to resemble titles in which the game was inspired (final fantasy adventure, dragon quest and zelda obviously ha ha ha) and saw that they too used the same idea of having a clean box art with just the logo. I think this design really shows what type of game to expect (relating to the titles previously mentioned).
And yeah! Nintendo Life review was awesome, the trailer was also covered by IGN like you mentioned before, everything to build up the hype not only for Glory Hunters but to the whole new game boy games have to offer.
We are pushing the GB games to new audiences with as much platforms (media) as we can to spread the word. All your support helps us a lot. Lets make the GameBoy games strong as ever!
Im still waiting on my copy tho, so reading your comments just get me even more excited for when it arrives!
Releasing a completed game, on any platform, is a major milestone that many developers, giant or small, do not manage.
Looking forward to exploring the world you built
Thank you so much! Thank you, thank you. I hope you get a lot of fun times with it and let me know your thoughts on the game. Always open to receive any kind of feedback to improve and grow as a developer :D
For glory!